29 January 2007

A shrubbery?

I was uncertain about posting this shot, but here it is.

While wandering around the industrial part of NW Portland, on a bone-chilling January morning recently, I spotted these shrubs. Their varying height and proximity to the wall reminded me of a police line-up (not from first-hand experience). Later, after reviewing the shot on my monitor, it seemed less than "post worthy"... I wasn't too keen on the telephone pole's shadow or the powerlines. Well, I've reconsidered so here it is anyway.

as usual, clicking on the picture links to a larger view

Northwest PDX sunset

I'm always in awe of the colors in the twilight sky. After a couple weeks of driving my truck to and from work (except for snow & ice days), I was finally able to ride the bus again. The sky provided an ever-changing show of color. Changing from pale orange to salmon to pink then red.

25 January 2007


Soon to be in escrow. My new residence, studio, gallery and architectural subject all rolled into one.

1925 bungalow in St.John's section of North Portland. On a peninsula (gotta be careful spelling that word) between the Columbia and Willamette rivers.

20 January 2007

Snowy trees in the park

The snow created a giant white background, hiding details which distract the eye.

18 January 2007

snow day in pdx!

5 inches of dry, fluffy snow fell on Portland. While it was fun, drivers in the city didn't seem to cope very well. Taking pictures in these conditions can be tricky too, compensating for the blue light and excessive reflective light is a must.

This picture was taken in the South Park Blocks.

08 January 2007


...gotta love 'em. They keep our air clean(er).

Check out my new gallery, trees. Only 4 pictures there now, but I'll be adding more soon. And, in case you haven't noticed, I list all of my gallery updates in the right margin of this page.

02 January 2007

New gallery added

a little bit of color adjustment and other image tweaks. I'm not a huge fan of over-massaging an image, but sometimes it's fun. Most of my experiments end up in the recycle bin...I'll put a few "keepers" in this gallery.