31 August 2007

evening by the willamette

warm hues of a late summer sunset.

28 August 2007

a meditative portal

sit with me on this bench
while I quietly reflect
hear my heartbeat
feel my warmth
a motionless embrace
as we gaze out
together on this bench

24 August 2007

oh ate too for

Feliz Cumpleanos JT3

15 August 2007


brutal bitter
oyster shooter

12 August 2007

10 bridges in one day!

Yeah, and none of 'em collapsed.

Today was the Providence Bridge Ride and I'm happy to say that, unlike last year, I now know the names of the bridges. They probably won't announce the exact participation numbers until Monday, but I think it'll beat last year's 18,000 person mark.

Riding with that many folks is kinda...um, difficult (I could say a lot worse things). Riding over the Marquam and Fremont bridges makes it worthwhile. The entry fees go towards funding the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and providing defibrillators in public places...good use of money IMHO.

There were a few traffic jams but almost everyone just took it in stride. Other than the woman who dove onto my back wheel (couldn't get her shoes unclipped), I didn't see any accidents...always a good thing.

After the ride, a bunch of cyclists headed to the Bite of Oregon for a snack and refreshing beverage. My hopped beverage went right to my head and I nearly fell asleep on the grass near one of the musical venues. All in all, a good day...rode over 55 miles (includes the ride to and from), met a few nice folks and remembered to unclip at every stop.

Now, I'm gonna make a snack, soak my feets and take a little nap.

11 August 2007

supernovea (part III)

vibrant energy
warmth of renewal
beaming color
in your face

08 August 2007

supernovae (parte dos)

warm glo
subtle hues
low visibility
shadow lurk

06 August 2007

supernovae (partie une)

extreme luminosity
sudden collapse
black hole
no more sunshine