28 March 2007

a walk to the park in the park

visualize your path, drop in, execute...enjoy

25 March 2007

just when you think you've seen it all...

Today, I saw a really cool tree while wandering around Kelly Point Park in my new 'hood. It looked like a pine tree with trimmed needles and then I noticed these really cool red "cones".

15 March 2007

the big bay

crabbing, smoked fish, small towns...

:: click on the picture for a larger view ::

at a slower pace

The wildlife at the homestead is a bit subdued today. I think the birds were expecting more sun this afternoon.
a break for the body and mind.

07 March 2007


Lately, I've realized that taking some time to breathe is essential to staying sane. All work and no play make Steve a dull boy, but I have a ways to go yet. Work on the house will be keeping me busy for a few months at least. However, by late Spring, I will be finding many comfortable and relaxing spots around the house and the 'hood. I'm just two-blocks from Pier Park's frisbee-golf course and there are many hiking and biking trails to explore...weather permitting, of course.